
Bar Hanging Crunch

Bar Hanging Crunch

Grab the pull up bar.  Engage your upper back muscles[...]
TRX Mountain Climber

TRX Mountain Climber

  Place your feet in the straps and walk out[...]
Dumbbell Chest Press Offset Leg Raise

Dumbbell Chest Press Offset Leg Raise

Lie on your back, holding a dumbbell in each hand,[...]
Dumbbell Chest Press Leg Raise

Dumbbell Chest Press Leg Raise

Lie on your back, holding a dumbbell in each hand,[...]
Plank Jack

Plank Jack

Your body should be in a straight line from your[...]
Dumbbell Chest Fly Leg Raise

Dumbbell Chest Fly Leg Raise

Position yourself on the floor with your legs straight.  Leave[...]
Mini Band Plank Jack to Plank Tuck

Mini Band Plank Jack to Plank Tuck

Place a mini band around the ankles.  Get into a[...]
V-Sit Dumbbell Reverse Alt Press

V-Sit Dumbbell Reverse Alt Press

Sit on the floor with legs fully extended (or bent[...]
V-Sit Dumbbell Curls

V-Sit Dumbbell Curls

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, sit on the mat[...]
Bench Lying Leg Raises with Hip Thrust

Bench Lying Leg Raises with Hip Thrust

Begin lying on your back on a flat bench. With[...]