
Mini Band Standing Pull Apart

Mini Band Standing Pull Apart

Stand with mini band wrapped around both wrists.  Keeping the[...]
Kettlebell Single Arm Row

Kettlebell Single Arm Row

Kettlebell Single-Arm Row Starting placement: Start off with the kettlebell placed[...]
Kettlebell Single Arm Military Press (bottoms up hold)

Kettlebell Single Arm Military Press (bottoms up hold)

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, bring the kettlebell[...]
Kettlebell Upright Row

Kettlebell Upright Row

Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. With a[...]
Dumbbell Row

Dumbbell Row

Slightly hinge forward with both arms at the knee holding[...]
Superman Fly

Superman Fly

Lying on your stomach, extend your arms out to the[...]