Cardio Finisher

Squat Jump 180 degree

Squat Jump 180 degree

Start in a deep squat with your legs a bit[...]
Ankle Taps

Ankle Taps

Starting with left leg skip forward touching inner ankle without[...]
Star Jump

Star Jump

Perform the star jump movement by standing in a quarter[...]
Bosu Toe Tap

Bosu Toe Tap

Stand behind a Bosu ball. Rest one foot on top[...]
Hex Ickey Shuffle

Hex Ickey Shuffle

Start by standing on the left side of the ladder.[...]
Hex Agility Lateral In/Out

Hex Agility Lateral In/Out

Starting Position: Stand directly in a square at one end[...]
Hex In Out Sprint

Hex In Out Sprint

Start by standing in front of the hex ladder.  The[...]
Hex Wide to Narrow Squat Jump

Hex Wide to Narrow Squat Jump

Stand in the first ladder square with feet shoulder-width apart.[...]
Hex Traveling Agility

Hex Traveling Agility

Start at one end of an agility ladder with your[...]
SkiErg Squat Jump

SkiErg Squat Jump

Begin with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart and hands[...]