
Bosu Hi Lo Plank

Bosu Hi Lo Plank

Push up with one arm at a time until a push[...]
Bosu Plank Toe Tap

Bosu Plank Toe Tap

Start in extended arm plank position with hands on the[...]
Bosu Plank Jack

Bosu Plank Jack

Place the BOSU ball on the ground with the dome[...]
Bosu Forearm Side Plank

Bosu Forearm Side Plank

With a Bosu ball round side up, place your forearm[...]
Bosu Sit Up

Bosu Sit Up

Tighten your stomach, lower back and release your arms straight[...]
Bosu Forearm Plank

Bosu Forearm Plank

Place a BOSU Ball on the ground with the rubber[...]
Bosu Burpee

Bosu Burpee

Stand with your feet at the side of a flat-top[...]
Bosu Plank

Bosu Plank

Place a BOSU Ball on the ground with the rubber[...]
Bosu Mountain Climber

Bosu Mountain Climber

Place a BOSU Ball on the ground with the rubber[...]
Bosu Explosive Push Up

Bosu Explosive Push Up

Place your toes on the floor, legs straight. Star the[...]