
Single Leg Toe Touch Sit Up

Single Leg Toe Touch Sit Up

Lie on your back and lift your legs and arms[...]
Toe Touch Crunch

Toe Touch Crunch

Lie on your back and lift your legs and arms[...]
Sit Up

Sit Up

Lie down on your back. Bend your legs and place[...]


Starting Position: Lie in a supine (on your back) position[...]
Plate Overhead Hold with Criss Cross Lateral Walk

Plate Overhead Hold with Criss Cross Lateral Walk

Grab a plate. Stand with feet hip to shoulder width[...]
Plate Toe Tap

Plate Toe Tap

Push off the ground with your left foot and switch[...]
Dumbbell Snatch

Dumbbell Snatch

Hold a dumbbell in your right hand. Push your hips[...]
Dumbbell Lunge Thruster

Dumbbell Lunge Thruster

Stand with feet at hips’ width apart, step back into[...]
Offset Overhead Dumbbell Farmers Carry

Offset Overhead Dumbbell Farmers Carry

Stand with your feet hip-width apart holding a pair of[...]
Donkey Kick

Donkey Kick

Start on all fours in a quadruped position.  Transferring your[...]