
Mini Band Squat Jump

Mini Band Squat Jump

Place the band around both legs, right above the knee.[...]
Wall Sit Abduction

Wall Sit Abduction

Place the resistance band around your thighs, just above your[...]
Surfer Burpee

Surfer Burpee

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms by[...]
Dumbbell Goblet Squat

Dumbbell Goblet Squat

Vertically hold a dumbbell, gripping it with both hands underneath[...]
Banded Waist RDL

Banded Waist RDL

Step into a long resistance band that you have anchored. [...]
Burpee Box Jump

Burpee Box Jump

Perform burpee box jumps by standing in front of a[...]
Slider Alternating Lateral Lunge

Slider Alternating Lateral Lunge

Stand with both feet on sliders, feet shoulder-width apart, with[...]
Banded Squat

Banded Squat

Secure your band around a stationary object in front you.[...]
Power Sit Up To Stand

Power Sit Up To Stand

Start by grabbing a plate or 2 dumbbells.  Sit down[...]
Mini Band Lateral Hop

Mini Band Lateral Hop

Place a mini band above the knees.  Get into a[...]