
Squat Jump

Squat Jump

Starting Position: Stand with your feet feet hip-width apart, arms[...]
Dumbbell RDL to Step Up

Dumbbell RDL to Step Up

Keep your heel flat on the step, your knee should[...]
Box Side Facing Step Down

Box Side Facing Step Down

Start by standing on top of the box with one[...]
Box Jump

Box Jump

Stand facing the box, your feet within roughly six inches[...]
Single Arm Kettlebell Swing

Single Arm Kettlebell Swing

Stand with your feet slightly further than shoulder-width apart. Push[...]
Wall Sit Curl

Wall Sit Curl

Find a wall, sit against it in a squat position[...]
Kettlebell Traveling Swing

Kettlebell Traveling Swing

Perform a standard swing, then take two small steps laterally[...]
Mini Band Standing Glute Kickback

Mini Band Standing Glute Kickback

To do the Standing Kickback, place the band around your[...]
Mini Band Leg Raises

Mini Band Leg Raises

To do the Standing Lateral Raises, place the band around[...]
Dumbbell Bench Hip Thrust

Dumbbell Bench Hip Thrust

To set up, you will need a bench or some[...]