
Slider Pike

Slider Pike

Start in high plank with both feet on sliders. Brace[...]
Plate Reverse Crunch

Plate Reverse Crunch

Lie face-up on a mat or other soft surface with[...]
Mini Band Bicycle Crunch

Mini Band Bicycle Crunch

Lie on back with knees over hips, band around arches[...]
V-Sit Dumbbell Pass Through

V-Sit Dumbbell Pass Through

In a V sit position, tuck the legs while passing[...]
V-Sit Figure 8

V-Sit Figure 8

Start in a V-sit. Hold dumbbell in the right hand.[...]
Windshield Wiper

Windshield Wiper

Lie on your back on the floor and raise your[...]
Quad Plank Knee Tap

Quad Plank Knee Tap

Start by getting into a bear crawl position.  Wrists in[...]
Dumbbell Bear Crawl

Dumbbell Bear Crawl

With a dumbbell in each hand, get on your hands[...]
Butterfly Weighted Sit Up

Butterfly Weighted Sit Up

To do Butterfly Sit Ups, start seated on the ground[...]
Hollow Hold

Hollow Hold

To perform the hollow hold, lie on your back and[...]