
Dumbbell Open Palm Bicep Curl

Dumbbell Open Palm Bicep Curl

Hold the dumbbell with your palm facing up/with an underhand[...]
TRX Seated Row

TRX Seated Row

Shorten the TRX straps all the way up. Set your[...]
V-Sit Dumbbell Curls

V-Sit Dumbbell Curls

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, sit on the mat[...]
TRX Chin Up

TRX Chin Up

Use a TRX and pull your chest up over your[...]
Mini Band Hammer Curl

Mini Band Hammer Curl

Place a mini band around both wrists. Grab a pair[...]
Zottman Curl

Zottman Curl

Hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides with your[...]
Battlerope Reverse Grip Wave

Battlerope Reverse Grip Wave

Start with feet together. Grip the ropes with rope handle[...]
Dumbbell Push Up Renegade Row

Dumbbell Push Up Renegade Row

Start at the top of a push-up position, perform 1[...]
Squat Thrust to Curl

Squat Thrust to Curl

Start in a plank with both hands holding on to[...]
Dumbbell Crossbody Hammer Curl

Dumbbell Crossbody Hammer Curl

Stand holding two dumbbells by your sides, palms facing towards[...]