
SL Landing Box Jump

SL Landing Box Jump

Begin in front of the box, power off of both[...]
Burpee Broad Jump

Burpee Broad Jump

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend[...]
Triple Switch

Triple Switch

Perform 3 high knees and on the third rep pause[...]
Dumbbell Split Jerk

Dumbbell Split Jerk

Stand on feet with hip-width apart. Dumbbells rest on the[...]
Med Ball Kneeling Rainbow Slam

Med Ball Kneeling Rainbow Slam

Start by holding medicine ball on the side of your[...]
Speed Skater with a Hop

Speed Skater with a Hop

Sweep your left leg behind you while bringing your left[...]
Plate Crossover Push-Up

Plate Crossover Push-Up

Place a weight plate on the floor and begin in[...]


Focus on getting off the ground quickly. Short bounces is[...]
Resistance Band Explosive Push-up

Resistance Band Explosive Push-up

Fasten a resistance band to a pull-up bar and strap[...]
Band Resisted High Knee

Band Resisted High Knee

Anchor a medium or light loop resistance band to a[...]