
American KB Swing

American KB Swing

Set up like a standard KB swing, and they will[...]
Barbell Zercher Squat

Barbell Zercher Squat

Put the bar in the crease of your elbows and[...]
Forearm Plank Weighted Push/Pull

Forearm Plank Weighted Push/Pull

Place a dumbbell or kettlebell on a slider. Come to[...]
Resistance Band Lateral Wood Chop

Resistance Band Lateral Wood Chop

Anchor a resistance band to a stable object at roughly[...]
Dumbbell Stability Ball Alternating Chest Fly

Dumbbell Stability Ball Alternating Chest Fly

With a pair of dumbbells, lie on a stability ball[...]
Med Ball Kneeling Rainbow Slam

Med Ball Kneeling Rainbow Slam

Start by holding medicine ball on the side of your[...]
Dumbbell Single Arm Deadbug

Dumbbell Single Arm Deadbug

With your back on the floor, hold a light dumbbell[...]
Elevated Side Plank Hold

Elevated Side Plank Hold

Lie on your side with your forearm on the floor[...]
Dumbbell Single Arm Suitcase Farmer Carry

Dumbbell Single Arm Suitcase Farmer Carry

Walk while carrying a single weighted implement in one arm—farmer[...]