Lower Body Finisher

Reverse Lunge to Power Hop

Reverse Lunge to Power Hop

Step back into a reverse lunge and as you come[...]
Kickstand Squat Jump

Kickstand Squat Jump

Foot position should be in the kickstand stance. One foot[...]
Traveling Gorilla Hops

Traveling Gorilla Hops

Get into a squat position and get both hands in[...]
Hex Lateral Squat Hop

Hex Lateral Squat Hop

Set up 1 hex.  Move side to side, staying low[...]
Mini Band Squat Jump

Mini Band Squat Jump

Place the band around both legs, right above the knee.[...]
Mini Band Lateral Hop

Mini Band Lateral Hop

Place a mini band above the knees.  Get into a[...]
Squat Jump

Squat Jump

Starting Position: Stand with your feet feet hip-width apart, arms[...]
Squat Hold

Squat Hold

Place your feet at shoulder-width or just outside of shoulder-width.[...]
Mini Band Glute Bridge Abduction

Mini Band Glute Bridge Abduction

Drive through heels, contracting the glutes to send hips toward[...]