Lower Body

Kettlebell Squat Clean

Kettlebell Squat Clean

Start with the kettlebell between your feet right in line[...]
Sled Push/Pull TRX

Sled Push/Pull TRX

Load a sled with plate weights and attach the TRX[...]
Dumbbell Split Squat

Dumbbell Split Squat

The split squat looks very similar to the lunge, however,[...]
Kickstand Squat Jump

Kickstand Squat Jump

Foot position should be in the kickstand stance. One foot[...]
Barbell Kickstand RDL

Barbell Kickstand RDL

Foot position should be in the kickstand stance. One foot[...]
Seated KB Leg Extension

Seated KB Leg Extension

Place a KB on one foot and keep foot flexed.[...]
Quad Focused Power Burpee

Quad Focused Power Burpee

Holding two dumbbells you'll jump back to a quad plank[...]
Med Ball SL Hamstring Curl

Med Ball SL Hamstring Curl

Keep your hips up and your heel planted on a[...]