


Focus on getting off the ground quickly. Short bounces is[...]
Resistance Band Explosive Push-up

Resistance Band Explosive Push-up

Fasten a resistance band to a pull-up bar and strap[...]
Band Resisted High Knee

Band Resisted High Knee

Anchor a medium or light loop resistance band to a[...]
Med Ball Single Leg Slam

Med Ball Single Leg Slam

Start with one foot on and one foot off of[...]
Reverse Lunge to Power Hop

Reverse Lunge to Power Hop

Step back into a reverse lunge and as you come[...]
Kettlebell Alternating Drop Row

Kettlebell Alternating Drop Row

Start in the hinge position with your butt back and[...]
Resistance Band Supported Dumbbell Thruster

Resistance Band Supported Dumbbell Thruster

Place a light/medium loop resistance band at a low anchor[...]
Kettlebell Squat Clean

Kettlebell Squat Clean

Start with the kettlebell between your feet right in line[...]
Kickstand Squat Jump

Kickstand Squat Jump

Foot position should be in the kickstand stance. One foot[...]
Bike All Arms Underhand

Bike All Arms Underhand

Sitting still on the bike with feet on the pegs,[...]