Full Body

Wall Sit Straight Arm Pulldown

Wall Sit Straight Arm Pulldown

Place your back against the wall and get into a[...]
Wall Sit Plate Press

Wall Sit Plate Press

Get into a wall sit, core tight, shoulders back.  Press[...]
Dumbbell Swimmers

Dumbbell Swimmers

Start by laying on the floor belly down and with[...]
Sled Standing Rope Pull/Push

Sled Standing Rope Pull/Push

Secure the weight plates onto the sled with the rope[...]
Squat Hold to Dumbbell Front Raise

Squat Hold to Dumbbell Front Raise

Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bracing your core and[...]
Turkish Windmill

Turkish Windmill

Grip the kettlebell with your right hand and extend the[...]
Dumbbell Farmer Carry March

Dumbbell Farmer Carry March

Hold one dumbbell in each hand with your arms by[...]
Crab Crawl

Crab Crawl

Place your hands by your sides with your fingers pointed[...]
Dual Dumbbell Alternating Hang Snatch

Dual Dumbbell Alternating Hang Snatch

To begin the hang snatch, stand straight keeping your feet[...]