Upper Body

Backpack Bear Crawl

Backpack Bear Crawl

Anchor 2 resistance bands (1 (heavy band around the battle[...]
Kneeling Explosive Push Up

Kneeling Explosive Push Up

Start in a plank position on your knees, kneeling forward[...]
Lying Elevated Arm Circles

Lying Elevated Arm Circles

Keep your feet grounded, reach both arms extended over head[...]
Med Ball Palm Curl

Med Ball Palm Curl

Hold a medicine ball by its sides with palms only[...]
Plate Bent Over Row

Plate Bent Over Row

Take one step back into a lunge position. Keep a[...]
Plate Server Hold

Plate Server Hold

Grab a plate and hold flat placing both hands under[...]
Kettlebell Single Arm Seated Press

Kettlebell Single Arm Seated Press

Sit on the floor and your legs should form a[...]
Kettlebell Bottoms Up Curl

Kettlebell Bottoms Up Curl

Grab the kettlebell with a reverse grip. Curl the kettlebell[...]
Kettlebell Single Arm Bottoms Up Press

Kettlebell Single Arm Bottoms Up Press

Assume athletic position and grasp a kettlebell with tight grip.[...]
Kettlebell Tricep Extension

Kettlebell Tricep Extension

Begin with your feet shoulder width apart, and tighten your[...]