Lower Body

Quadruped Dumbbell Glute Kickback

Quadruped Dumbbell Glute Kickback

Begin on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees[...]
Resistance Band Hip Bridge

Resistance Band Hip Bridge

Place a loop resistance band under each of your feet[...]


Focus on getting off the ground quickly. Short bounces is[...]
TRX Assisted Skater Squat

TRX Assisted Skater Squat

Take the TRX handles and hold it with both hands[...]
Dumbbell Goblet Single Leg Squat

Dumbbell Goblet Single Leg Squat

Take a dumbbell and hold it with both hands long[...]
Dumbbell Slider Lateral Lunge

Dumbbell Slider Lateral Lunge

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with one foot[...]
BOSU Frog Glute Bridge

BOSU Frog Glute Bridge

Lie on the floor or a mat, on your back.[...]
Plate Lateral Lunge Pressout

Plate Lateral Lunge Pressout

Stand with your feet together. Take a big step to[...]
Kettlebell Single Arm Thruster

Kettlebell Single Arm Thruster

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned out slightly,[...]
Barbell RDL to Bent Over Row

Barbell RDL to Bent Over Row

Start with one rep of a Barbell RDL. Start with[...]