Movement Library

Bosu Deficit Reverse Lunge

Bosu Deficit Reverse Lunge

Start in a lunge position with your right leg extended[...]
Bosu Dumbbell Chest Fly

Bosu Dumbbell Chest Fly

Begin by sitting on the floor with your lower back[...]
Bosu Explosive Push Up

Bosu Explosive Push Up

Place your toes on the floor, legs straight. Star the[...]
Bosu Forearm Plank

Bosu Forearm Plank

Place a BOSU Ball on the ground with the rubber[...]
Bosu Forearm Side Plank

Bosu Forearm Side Plank

With a Bosu ball round side up, place your forearm[...]
BOSU Frog Glute Bridge

BOSU Frog Glute Bridge

Lie on the floor or a mat, on your back.[...]
Bosu Glute Bridge

Bosu Glute Bridge

Lay on a mat with your arms flat by your[...]
Bosu Hi Lo Plank

Bosu Hi Lo Plank

Push up with one arm at a time until a push[...]
Bosu Inverted Leg Extension

Bosu Inverted Leg Extension

Have your hands on the floor in front and your[...]
BOSU Kettlebell Pullover

BOSU Kettlebell Pullover

Grab a bosu and lay on the bosu aiming for[...]