Movement Library

Barbell Elevator Lunges

Barbell Elevator Lunges

Place a barbell on your back.  Start the movement by[...]
Barbell Floor Press

Barbell Floor Press

Start by positioning yourself on the floor underneath the barbell[...]
Barbell Forward Lunge Alternating

Barbell Forward Lunge Alternating

Place the barbell bar so that it rests behind the[...]
Barbell Front Raise

Barbell Front Raise

Assume a shoulder width stance and grasp the bar at[...]
Barbell Front Squat

Barbell Front Squat

Place a barbell in a rack at approximately shoulder-height. Grip[...]
Barbell Glute Bridge

Barbell Glute Bridge

Begin seated on the ground with a loaded barbell over[...]
Barbell Good Morning

Barbell Good Morning

Brace your upper back and abdominals and take a good breath[...]
Barbell Hang Clean

Barbell Hang Clean

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and sit the hips back,[...]
Barbell Hip Thrust

Barbell Hip Thrust

Begin seated on the ground, with a bench placed horizontally[...]