Movement Library

American KB Swing

American KB Swing

Set up like a standard KB swing, and they will[...]
Anchored Ab Dolly Hamstring Curl

Anchored Ab Dolly Hamstring Curl

Anchor an ab dolly by looping a resistance band around[...]
Anchored Resistance Band Seated Tuck

Anchored Resistance Band Seated Tuck

Anchor a band to a bike or the battle rope[...]
Ankle Taps

Ankle Taps

Starting with left leg skip forward touching inner ankle without[...]
Arm Circles

Arm Circles

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise and extend[...]
Backpack Bear Crawl

Backpack Bear Crawl

Anchor 2 resistance bands (1 (heavy band around the battle[...]
Band Resisted High Knee

Band Resisted High Knee

Anchor a medium or light loop resistance band to a[...]
Banded Face Pull

Banded Face Pull

Wrap a resistance band around a pull up bar, slightly[...]
Banded Knee March

Banded Knee March

Stand hip-distance apart with arms at your sides. Loop a[...]