Movement Library

Seal Jack

Seal Jack

Start with your feet together and your arms locked out[...]
Seated Arnold Press

Seated Arnold Press

Set up an adjustable angle bench to 90 degrees. Pick[...]
Seated KB Leg Extension

Seated KB Leg Extension

Place a KB on one foot and keep foot flexed.[...]
Seated Neutral Military Press

Seated Neutral Military Press

Sit on a box or a bench with your dumbbells[...]
Seated Plate Bus Driver

Seated Plate Bus Driver

Sit on a box or a bench. Inhale, brace your[...]
Seated Plate Leg Extension

Seated Plate Leg Extension

Grab a plate or a med ball to place resting[...]
Seated Plate Raise

Seated Plate Raise

Sit on a box, feet wide.  Lower the plate to[...]
Seated Quad Lift

Seated Quad Lift

Sit with legs straight out toes flexed.  Raise one leg[...]
Seated Resistance Band Face Pull

Seated Resistance Band Face Pull

Sit in a L position on the floor.  Wrap a[...]
Seated Skierg Pull

Seated Skierg Pull

Wedge a box in between the skierg rails.  Sit on[...]