Movement Library

Bench Supported Dumbbell Row

Bench Supported Dumbbell Row

Set an incline bench at 45 degrees. Grab a pair[...]
Bench Tap Squat Jumps

Bench Tap Squat Jumps

.Stand with a bench a few inches behind you. 2.[...]
Bench Toe Taps

Bench Toe Taps

Push off the ground with your left foot and switch[...]
Bench Vault

Bench Vault

Stand to the side of the middle of a bench.[...]
Bicep Curl Reverse Lunge

Bicep Curl Reverse Lunge

Start by performing a bicep curl, then step back into[...]
Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle Crunch

Lie on your back on the floor, with knees bent,[...]
Bike All Arms Underhand

Bike All Arms Underhand

Sitting still on the bike with feet on the pegs,[...]
Bike Arms Only

Bike Arms Only

First you will want to properly set up your bike's[...]