Movement Library

Dumbbell Arnold Press

Dumbbell Arnold Press

Grab a set of dumbbells and bring them to shoulder[...]
Dumbbell Around the World

Dumbbell Around the World

Stand holding two dumbbells above your head with your arms[...]
Dumbbell Bear Crawl

Dumbbell Bear Crawl

With a dumbbell in each hand, get on your hands[...]
Dumbbell Bench Bird Dog Row

Dumbbell Bench Bird Dog Row

Keeping your core tight, back leg extended and engaged and[...]
Dumbbell Bench Bulgarian Split Squat

Dumbbell Bench Bulgarian Split Squat

Have one leg resting on the bench behind you, laces[...]
Dumbbell Bench Chest Press

Dumbbell Bench Chest Press

Lie on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand[...]
Dumbbell Bench Hip Thrust

Dumbbell Bench Hip Thrust

To set up, you will need a bench or some[...]
Dumbbell Bench Incline Curl

Dumbbell Bench Incline Curl

Sit down against the workout bench, keeping your back straight[...]
Dumbbell Bench Pullover

Dumbbell Bench Pullover

Extend your arms toward the ceiling, over your chest. Your[...]
Dumbbell Bench Seated Military Press

Dumbbell Bench Seated Military Press

Grab two dumbbells and sit on an incline bench. Make[...]