Movement Library

Lateral Bear Crawl

Lateral Bear Crawl

To crawl laterally, get into a quadruped position, keeping your[...]
Lateral Bear Crawl

Lateral Bear Crawl

Get into a quad plank position.  Keeping shoulders over wrists[...]
Lateral Hop Burpee

Lateral Hop Burpee

Perform a traditional burpee but instead of a vertical jump,[...]
Lateral Lunge

Lateral Lunge

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Take a big step[...]
Lateral Power Lunge to High Knees

Lateral Power Lunge to High Knees

Initiate the movement with a lateral lunge, tap down on[...]
Lateral Shuffle

Lateral Shuffle

Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart[...]
Lateral Shuffle to Hex Agility

Lateral Shuffle to Hex Agility

3 Hex's lined up with 3 ish yards on each[...]
Long Reach Inchworm

Long Reach Inchworm

Start standing with your feet together. Forward fold with straight[...]
Low Angle TRX Curl

Low Angle TRX Curl

Grab the TRX straps with both hands.  Lower into a[...]