Movement Library

Plate hold lateral lunge to OH reverse lunge

Plate hold lateral lunge to OH reverse lunge

Grab 1 slider and a plate.  Movement starts with slider[...]
Plate Hold Wide Sit Up to Reach

Plate Hold Wide Sit Up to Reach

Start with a wide base with a plate in your[...]
Plate Hug Lunge

Plate Hug Lunge

Start by holding a plate at chest height, hugging that[...]
Plate Hug Squat

Plate Hug Squat

Hold the plate against your chest with your arms wrapped[...]
Plate Jacks

Plate Jacks

Hold the plate in both hands close to the body[...]
Plate Lateral Lunge Pressout

Plate Lateral Lunge Pressout

Stand with your feet together. Take a big step to[...]
Plate Leg Lift

Plate Leg Lift

Lying flat on the floor, extend your arms to hold[...]
Plate Negative Raise

Plate Negative Raise

Stand upright and grip a weight plate with your hands[...]
Plate Overhead Hold

Plate Overhead Hold

Standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart, raise a plate[...]
Plate Overhead Hold March

Plate Overhead Hold March

Grab a plate, push press it up overhead to a[...]