Movement Library

Dumbbell Lunge Jump Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Lunge Jump Lateral Raise

Perform a jump lunge and simultaneously raise both arms laterally,[...]
Dumbbell Lunge Thruster

Dumbbell Lunge Thruster

Stand with feet at hips’ width apart, step back into[...]
Dumbbell Mount Accordion Climbers

Dumbbell Mount Accordion Climbers

Grab 2 dumbbells and mount both hands on them.  Perform[...]
Dumbbell Negative Sit Up

Dumbbell Negative Sit Up

Sit on the floor in the top of a situp[...]
Dumbbell Neutral Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Neutral Shoulder Press

Sit on the bench or stand and bring both dumbbells up by[...]
Dumbbell OH Press to Alternating Knee Drive

Dumbbell OH Press to Alternating Knee Drive

Grab two dumbbells.  Press both up overhead at the same[...]
Dumbbell Open Palm Bicep Curl

Dumbbell Open Palm Bicep Curl

Hold the dumbbell with your palm facing up/with an underhand[...]