Movement Library

Dumbbell Single Arm Cross Body Raise

Dumbbell Single Arm Cross Body Raise

Grab a dumbbell.  Start with a straight arm position.  Your[...]
Dumbbell Single Arm Curl with ISO Hold

Dumbbell Single Arm Curl with ISO Hold

Start with a dumbbell in each hand.  One arm will[...]
Dumbbell Single Arm Deadbug

Dumbbell Single Arm Deadbug

With your back on the floor, hold a light dumbbell[...]
Dumbbell Single Arm Press with Lunge

Dumbbell Single Arm Press with Lunge

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, holding a dumbbell in[...]
Dumbbell Single Arm Push Press

Dumbbell Single Arm Push Press

Grab 1 dumbbell and rack the dumbbell on your shoulder.[...]
Dumbbell Single Arm Suitcase Farmer Carry

Dumbbell Single Arm Suitcase Farmer Carry

Walk while carrying a single weighted implement in one arm—farmer[...]
Dumbbell Single Arm Suitcase Squat

Dumbbell Single Arm Suitcase Squat

Hold a dumbbell in one hand and stand with your[...]
Dumbbell Single Arm Swing

Dumbbell Single Arm Swing

Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold one[...]
Dumbbell Single Arm Thruster

Dumbbell Single Arm Thruster

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned out slightly,[...]