Movement Library

Dumbbell Suitcase Squat

Dumbbell Suitcase Squat

Hold two dumbbells in your hands, with one at each[...]
Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunge

Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunge

Grab one dumbbell or kettlebell. Hold it to your side[...]
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift

Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart (a little wider if you[...]
Dumbbell Sumo Squat

Dumbbell Sumo Squat

Grasp a dumbbell with both hands. Stand with your feet[...]
Dumbbell Sumo Squat to Curl

Dumbbell Sumo Squat to Curl

Get into a sumo position, toes slightly pointed out.  Lower[...]
Dumbbell Sumo Squat to Upright Row

Dumbbell Sumo Squat to Upright Row

Start with a dumbbell in each hand, feet slightly wider[...]
Dumbbell Superman

Dumbbell Superman

Lie prone, arms and legs extended on the floor; hold[...]
Dumbbell Superman Pull

Dumbbell Superman Pull

Start by laying flat on your stomach.  Place a light[...]
Dumbbell Surrender

Dumbbell Surrender

Start in a kneeling position.  Holding a dumbbell in each[...]
Dumbbell Swimmers

Dumbbell Swimmers

Start by laying on the floor belly down and with[...]