Movement Library

TRI Hex Hop Scotch

TRI Hex Hop Scotch

Place 3 Hex together.  Start with both feet inside of[...]
TRI Hex Single Leg Hop

TRI Hex Single Leg Hop

Place 3 hex together forming a triangle.  Start with your[...]
TRI Hex Squat Hop

TRI Hex Squat Hop

Place 3 Hex together.  Start with both feet in the[...]
Tricep Push Up

Tricep Push Up

Position your hands shoulder-width apart, or a bit wider. As[...]
Triple Switch

Triple Switch

Perform 3 high knees and on the third rep pause[...]
Trunk Rotation

Trunk Rotation

Setup Begin in a standing upright position. Slowly rotate your[...]
TRX Abducted Lunge

TRX Abducted Lunge

Stand sideways to the strap and place your foot in[...]
TRX Alligator

TRX Alligator

Start facing the TRX suspension trainer with the straps at[...]
TRX Around the World

TRX Around the World

With the straps at mid-calf length, place your feet into[...]
TRX Assisted Skater Squat

TRX Assisted Skater Squat

Take the TRX handles and hold it with both hands[...]