Movement Library

Hex Ickey Shuffle

Hex Ickey Shuffle

Start by standing on the left side of the ladder.[...]
Hex In Out Sprint

Hex In Out Sprint

Start by standing in front of the hex ladder.  The[...]
Hex Kick Sit To Half Burpee Hop

Hex Kick Sit To Half Burpee Hop

Perform a kick sit to both sides, hop both feet[...]
Hex Lateral Plank Walk

Hex Lateral Plank Walk

Begin in plank position with your hands in the same[...]
Hex Lateral Squat Hop

Hex Lateral Squat Hop

Set up 1 hex.  Move side to side, staying low[...]
Hex Single Leg In Out Hop

Hex Single Leg In Out Hop

Start at the end of the hex with your body[...]
Hex Traveling Agility

Hex Traveling Agility

Start at one end of an agility ladder with your[...]
Hex Traveling In Out Squat

Hex Traveling In Out Squat

Start by setting up with a hex ladder in front[...]
Hex Wide to Narrow Squat Jump

Hex Wide to Narrow Squat Jump

Stand in the first ladder square with feet shoulder-width apart.[...]
Hi Lo Plank Burpee

Hi Lo Plank Burpee

Start in a high plank position.  Start the movement by[...]