Movement Library

High Plank Hip Dips

High Plank Hip Dips

Come into a high plank position with your shoulders stacked[...]
High Plank to Knee Tap

High Plank to Knee Tap

Start in a plank position. Shift your weight to the[...]


Start the movement by reaching your arms overhead as your[...]
Hip Circle

Hip Circle

Keeping your knees bent to about 90 degrees, lift one[...]
Hip Flexor Stretch

Hip Flexor Stretch

Kneel on your right knee. Put your left foot on[...]
Hip Opener Stretch

Hip Opener Stretch

Raise the knee of the outside leg as high up[...]
Hollow Hold

Hollow Hold

To perform the hollow hold, lie on your back and[...]
Hollow Hold Dumbbell Chest Press

Hollow Hold Dumbbell Chest Press

Begin lying on the floor holding a dumbbell in each[...]
Hollow Hold Med Ball Toss

Hollow Hold Med Ball Toss

Lay on your back in a hollow hold position.  Shoulders[...]
Hollow Hold Plate Pullover

Hollow Hold Plate Pullover

Get into a hollow hold position, shoulder off the floor,[...]